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Scroll down below to learn more about the different types of memberships you can obtain. All members must sign up using national's website. Click "Learn More" to look at the different membership type. The "Join" button below will take you to national's website where you will then be able to sign up.

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Shall be open to women who are actively employed in the construction industry a minimum of an average of twenty (20) hours per week per month. Employment is defined as receiving compensation for service in an approved employment category and in which the majority of her job responsibility, in that approved employment category, is construction related. Each eligible Active Chapter Member shall be entitled to vote and to hold office and shall be a member of National and an affiliated Chapter. 




This is a transferable membership. This membership is open to companies that wish to designate a woman employee, who would otherwise meet the criteria for Active Membership, to represent the company. The company holding the membership may change its designated representative at any time. The company must buy one corporate chapter membership for each representative. Each eligible Corporate Member shall be entitled to vote, to hold office and shall be a member of National and an affiliated Chapter. 




Shall be open to women who do not qualify for active membership. Associate members shall have no vote and are not eligible to hold office. Associate Members shall be a member of National and an affiliated Chapter. They may serve on Chapter appointed committees.




Shall be open to women students enrolled in construction-related programs at institutions of higher education, vocational training programs and apprenticeship programs. Student Membership is non-transferable, and Student Members shall have no vote nor hold office. They shall be a member of National and an affiliated Chapter.




Shall be open to women who are retired and are at least 62 years of age. Retired members do not qualify for Active Membership, do not have to be members of a chapter and will be a member of National. Retired members shall have no vote and are not eligible to hold office but may serve on Chapter appointed committees. 




Shall be open to women meeting all the criteria for Active Member but not belonging to an affiliated Chapter of the Association. Members at Large shall be entitled to participate in all of the activities of the region in which they reside. Members at Large shall be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting/Convention of the Association, at which time their vote will have a one-tenth (1/10) value of a Chapter Delegate vote. Members at Large cannot hold office or serve on the NAWIC Board of Directors. 


Student At-Large


Shall be open to women students meeting all the criteria for Student Members but not belonging to an affiliated Chapter of the Association. Students at Large shall be entitled to participate in all of the activities of the region in which they reside. They shall have no vote nor hold office.




Shall be open to women who are actively employed in the construction industry in countries outside of the United States. International Members shall neither vote nor hold office.


Membership Types
Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership

Learn more about corporate membership
discount options below!

NAWIC Columbus does offer a discount on chapter dues for corporate memberships when there are multiple people joining. The real advantage of the corporate membership versus the active membership is that the membership stays with the company, not the individual. If you have an employee leave your company, you could then transfer their membership to someone new.


A single corporate membership is $361 per year.


If there are multiple people joining as corporate members, the dues are as follows:


First Corporate Member ($40 Discount) = $321 per year


Second Corporate Member ($90 Discount) = $271 per year


Third (and any additional) Corporate Member ($115 Discount) = $246 per year


Note - there are several companies that have multiple (individual) members, but only companies with multiple corporate memberships are eligible with the discount.


Companies with multiple corporate memberships would register their membership at the NAWIC website, select "pay later," then print and compile the invoice of multiple corporate members, and remit with payment to NAWIC Columbus at 5178 Sinclair Rd., Columbus, OH 43229.


Otherwise, all memberships can be paid for directly at the NAWIC website.


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